Modern Family revolves around three different types of families (nuclear, blended, and same-sex)
living in suburban Los Angeles, who are interrelated through wealthy businessman Jay Pritchett and his two children,
Claire and Mitchell. Modern Family allows for people to embrace the differences and find a relation with the characters.
The idea of identification goes hand-in-hand with the concept of belonging and forming associations with others through common grounds.
Fun Fact
Julie Bowen plays Claire Dunphy and during her audition for the role she was pregnant with twins.
She revealed that she thought this would certainly mean she wouldn’t get the role, however, they ended up casting her anyway. What's more,
she was still pregnant when they shot the pilot. Her stomach was strategically hidden behind cereal boxes and other objects throughout filming.
The Main Characters
The main characters are divided into 3 nuclear families. The first family, the Dumphy's, is composed of the parents
Claire and Phill, and their three children Hailey, Alex, and Luke.
The Pritchett-Tucker family is composed of Mitchell and Cam (the parents) and their daughter Lily. Finally, the Pritchett family is composed of Jay and Gloria (the parents), and their two sons Manny and Joe.
Modern Family may earn praise for its multidimensional portrayal of gay characters,
but when it comes to Sofia Vergara's saucy Colombian trophy wife Gloria, "Latino stereotypes prevail,"She speaks English poorly, jokes about being a golddigger,
constantly references crime and drugs in Colombia, and is always dressed as
if she "were going to a club."